Rabu, 22 April 2015

Passive Voice

Passive voice
Passive voice is the sentence that the subject is subjected to a job or action or actions, meaning that the subject does not perform an action / action and only receive an action / action. It is clear that this is the opposite of the active voice, the subject of active voice who did the act and does not receive the action / action.

Formula Passive Voice         
Basically the formula of passive voice is only one ie S + Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle. S means the subject, the auxiliary verb meaning auxiliary verb and the past participle means verb3 (third form of a verb). Well, the problem now is that the auxiliary verb like what is in use, because if we berkomunikasikan can use various tenses, so that the auxiliary verb that is used can of course be different, to that of passive voice in the above formula must be in accordance with the tenses Specify will be in use.
Basic Formulas From Passive Voice is: TO BE + V3. Here is the formula of passive voice in all tenses. After studying and understanding all of the following formula, the formula also learn practical ways to understand the passive voice in 16 tenses.

How to understand the table below is to look at the color of the subject and to be his

Examples Active To Passive
1. Active              : Pregnant women should eat dark chocolate regularly.
   Passive              : Dark chocolate should be eaten regularly by pregnant women.
2. Active              : He often sleeps on the right side of the bed.
   Passive              : The right side of the bed is often slept on by him
3. Active              : Tio ate sardines and rice for dinner.
   Passive              : Sardines and rice were eaten for dinner by Tio.
4.  Active             : They just talked about mental health.
    Passive             : Mental health was just talked by them.
5.   Active            : Yesterday, my father stayed at the hotel.
     Passive            : Yesterday, the hotel was stayed at by my father
6.   Active            : Some workers was maintaining the toll road at this time yesterday.
     Passive            : The toll road was being maintained at this time yesterday.
7.   Active            : They were discussing exchange rates at 7 o’clock this morning.
     Passive            : Exchange rates were being discussed at 7 o’clock this morning.
8.   Active            : My friend was baking bread when I came.
     Passive            : Bread were being baked when I came.
9.   Active            : We clean the house every week.
     Passive            : The house is cleaned by us every week.
10.  Active            : She kicks the ball very hard.
     Passive            : The ball is kicked by her very hard.

Examples Passive to Active
1.   Paasive           : My mother was called by me last night
      Active             : I called my mother yesterday.
2.    Passive           : Two hamburgers were eaten by her at a time.
      Active             : She ate two hamburgers at a time.
3.    Passive           : Many cakes have been made by Sarah
      Active             : Sarah has made many cakes
4.    Passive           : A nice story had been told by Raffi to me
      Active             : Raffi had told a nice story to me.
5.    Passive           : A book is being written by Agus.
      Active             : Agus is writing a book.
6.    Passive           : Mary is being bitten by John
      Active             : John is biting Mary
7.   Passive           : The dishes will be washed.
      Active             : I will wash the dishes.
8.    Passive           : A new client is going to be mettomorrow.
      Active             : He is going to meet a new client tomorrow.
9.    Passive           : The English books have been given back by the students
      Active             : The students have given the English books back.
10.  Passive           : The book is brought by her
       Active            : She brings the book.