Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

Global Warming

Global warming is an issue that is being discussed at the moment, ranging from school children to government officials to talk about it. This phenomenon is very detrimental to mankind. Therefore we shall attempt to events such as global warming is not taking place over the longer, we can do simple things to anticipate this as by planting trees, cycling, and more. Global warming is an event caused by the rise in the earth's temperature due to increased production or emissions of greenhouse gases that impact on the environment that is around the earth. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the earth's surface temperature has risen 0.8 degrees Celsius or 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in which 2/3 of the increase in temperature occurred after the 1980s.

According to the experts "the US Environmental Protection Agency is the increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface both past and is happening today. This event is largely influenced by the events of the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere. The global warming that causes climate change, and global pemanasna is one of its aspects ". "Natural Resources Defense Council is the biggest environmental and humanitarian crises that occur at this time. Earth's atmosphere is filled by heat being trapped by carbon dioxide gas that could threaten catastrophic climate change and earth. NRDC also urged us to act against global warming ".
"National Wildlife Federation provide understanding of global warming in the official website as the event that is increasingly hot, increasingly heavy rains and floods, more intense storms and droughts are increasingly becoming. Such events are a real impact on global warming. Global warming also changed the landscape of life on and off many species ". "New Mexico Solar Energy Association, the United States defines global warming as an increase in temperature / average temperature of the earth's surface as a result of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect itself is an event where trapping heat on Earth because of blocked gas emissions such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because of smoke from factories and vehicles as well as forest fires ".
Global warming is marked by the extinction of animals on earth, affecting a wide range of agricultural products and the disappearance of glaciers. Therefore the issue of global warming increasing the world's few countries in the world started to take action by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Global warming also occurred in several countries of the world. The causes of global warming are many and unresolved.
The following is a cause of global warming that can be seen from inside the house first wasteful electricity, where the electricity usage is reasonable and according to the needs of human behavior wise. Everyone wants these things can be done by every individual. But, it turns out to be sparing in the use of electricity is not an easy job for most people. Consequently, it is as a contributor to global warming. Himbaun or electricity saving campaign (save energy) has been a lot done, but still, many houses are wasteful in power consumption.
The second page of the home without trees, we know that green plants or trees can make the air becomes cool and neutralize the air temperature so that it can be concluded that the trees (plants) can cope with high summer temperatures. If this is so, then should every home will plant a tree in his yard. But this is not done by many home, what more houses in urban areas who prefer building rather than planting green trees. If any yard or home page no trees, it was natural that the name of global warming was happening. Due to the lack of clean air obtained when the crop function is to absorb carbon dioxide and emit a new fresh air.
The function of the plant also mengahau direct heat from the sun. The third is often found in urban areas is a model greenhouse. One of the many global warming occurs because the model house or building with the concept of a greenhouse. So of greenhouse reflect light into the air, instead of absorbing sunlight. If one or two houses only, not overly impacted.
But what happened is not just a house, building skyscrapers -gedung also use the concept of the glass building. If that be so, then global warming is "achievement" which is derived from many homes and buildings are modeled on glass. There is also the cause of global warming on the environment. The first fuel vehicles, which come from vehicles other than disturbing for human health, could also provide increased global pemasanasan of air pollution generated. We all know, the number of vehicles continues to grow, there is no reduction.
Users motorcycle from year to year continues to increase its users. Likewise with the motorist did not want to lose. While motorcycles and old cars are not destroyed or remain on leave outstanding. Secondly there is smoke pollution from industrial factories. The grounds open up employment opportunities for the people of Indonesia, many industrial plants that grow and thrive. Not other than for the welfare of the people. To be able to earn money by working.
If the above statement is true, it is natural if we get it, yeah get a taste of the heat of the earth as much smoke pollution from industrial plants. This is indeed a dilemma, on the one hand to the people's interests, but on the other hand compromising the earth's existence. Thirdly there are forest fires and illegal logging. Source mangatakan that about 50% of global warming caused by CO2, where the CO2 emissions caused by the use of fossil fuels and the destruction / burning woods.
Forests many functions, in addition to controlling flooding, forest can also reduce the temperature geothermal tends to increase. But what happens if the forest as ancestral in fuel and felled by a person who is not responsible for ?. In preventing forest fires and illegal logging, the role of government should be serious in handling it, because it is a lot happening and continues to happen a few months ago in the province of Riau. There is also the cause of global warming comes from nature: first age of the earth is old. Planet earth has reached the age of 4.6 billion years to the cause as well.
That's the reason why the earth is old said. I asked if the old man, certainly a lot easier to attack the disease. So is the earth, the earth's illness today is global warming and acid rain as well as many others. Secondly there is the leaking of the ozone layer in the earth. Matahai rays emanating indirectly to earth to earth, because there laipsan ozone that does filter first. It was if the ozone layer is still normal.
What is happening now is the ozone layer has thinned even say already leaked. A source says: "By monitoring using instruments Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) on the Nimbus 7 satellite and Meteor 3, the damage this has caused a hole known as the ozone hole at both poles. The causes of global warming are also derived from government policy. The first is there is a lack of green open space. Urban planning expert from Trisakti University, Jakarta, Nirwono Yoga, assess the extent there has been no significant surge in the percentage of the number of green open space (RTH) in Jakarta, as well as in the reports of the online media.
Government efforts in each area was minimal to build a green open space. This can be seen with difficulty once we find it. Although there are now several cities such as Bandung and Surabaya, which is promoting. Then it can be made an example for other cities.
Secondly there is a growing number of vehicles, This has been discussed above, but this it must be the attitude of the government to issue a policy in a motor vehicle. For example with the latest release of the vehicle, then the vehicle can pull the old year or recycled or whatever. An important number of vehicles can be reduced, rather than increased. What happened today is the increasing number of motor vehicles, but not in the way barengi with the infrastructure, so that not only the impact of air pollution to global warming occurs, the congestion was always decorate the street.
Here the impact of global warming is first Earth Even More comfortable to live in our ever felt so hot during the day? Well that is a direct result of global warming is happening right now. Keep in mind that the temperature of the Earth's surface heats up about one degree Celsius since the beginning of the 20th century. If not treated immediately, the Earth will be hotter and more uncomfortable to live in mankind as a place of residence.
Secondly, the existing Sea Level Increasing the impact of global warming makes the snow melt polar region lasting and makes the surface of the sea water (primarily tropical region) increases. Rising sea levels is very dangerous and can cause a variety of disasters that we do not want such as tsunamis and floods. Indonesia will lose a lot of its islands when sea levels higher and higher. Third ie there is drought and harvest failure. Agriculture and plantation sector could also get global impact warmingseperti changing patterns of farming season, drought, and crop failures that have implications on the declining productivity of agricultural and plantation. An event like this could lead to famine which could threaten the survival of mankind on earth.
The fourth is that there is an emergence of Various Diseases global warming could also have an impact on health, the emergence of various diseases such as skin diseases, malnutrition, poor nutrition, allergies, heart disease and many more. This is a record for us to always maintain the health of our body and also participate in efforts to deal with the pace of global warming so that we avoid the disease. No loss of species fifth Millions Living Beings. A study revealed that global warming will make one million species of living beings will be extinct within a period of 50-100 years. The impact of global warming is so bad because it can make the biodiversity of living creatures on the wane. If this happens it will damage the food chain which can make the life of the system will get worse.

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English is a language that must be used in all countries in the world. Since the adoption of English as the language of each country shall be used then, each country began to impose the teaching of English for all ages. Even young children have also started to use the English language into everyday language that is taught by parents. In the world of English language education also required that students can follow the language used by the entire country. Later they can work outside the country and boasts the country of origin or they may continue their education with scholarships from abroad.

English is very important for use in the workplace. In the world of work the company wants the international quality standards, so that their companies do not compete with foreign companies. Thus the company has implemented the use of English in their company in order to communicate with a foreign company was running smoothly. In addition the company implemented the use of English to test the ability of each employee.

It must be known that if we have the ability in the English language halite is the additional ability to achieve success. So I have my own methods of learning English. How to learn it is to communicate with peers. The thing I liked in learning English if my friend can explain back to me what I did not know what it means.

I do not think too hard to learn the language. If we do not take seriously in the sense that we can not possibly master quite mempelarinya the easiest thing is to communication, movies, and music. I say that because without us knowing if we learn English with the activities I mentioned earlier we are little by little easier to learn the language. I prefer the easy way, and I always use it.

So I prefer to learn the language in a way that is easy and fun. I use way of asking to be told what I do not know with a friend or friends. And I also prefer to learn the language through communication, watch movies using the language and listen to music using the language as well. Because of the way it is easier to remember word for word. It will continue reminded of the need to memorize using the language dictionary.